
background and motivation

GREENBEAT is dedicated to promoting environmental consciousness and sustainability within higher education, particularly in the field of Sustainable Future Communication Networks and Technologies. The initiative aligns with the European Green Deal’s goals of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and prioritizing sustainability in economic policy. While digital technologies, especially in ICT and wireless networks, have contributed positively to sustainability, there’s a need for continuous improvement in energy efficiency and minimizing environmental impact. GREENBEAT envisions a future where technology development is aligned with societal needs and values, focusing on human-centric design and responsible resource usage. The initiative aims to foster high-quality research and innovation in sustainable communication networks, emphasizing the integration of intelligence and trustworthiness. By leveraging the expertise of its consortium, GREENBEAT seeks to accelerate knowledge transfer, promote innovation, and enhance collaboration within the academic and research communities. Through a ‘learning by doing’ approach, the initiative aims to support research, educate researchers, and strengthen innovation capacity to drive positive impacts in sustainability and technology development.

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