
1. Create ability and equip with skills to analyze, design and develop research solutions for sustainable future communication networks based on use of disruptive technologies


  • Short time research visits (1 week) of experts from AU, URTV, HUD and UPCT to TUS to work on related to the chosen research topics to work on joint publications ≥6;
  • Organisation of Special Sessions related to Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 ≥3;
  • Short-term research internships (2-3 weeks) of ESRs to AU, URTV, HUD and UPCT to collaborate further on the joint research and gain practical experience at the respective research labs and exposure to the different ways of how research is carried out ≥3;
  • Joint organisation of scientific workshops (co-located with events in WP2 and WP3 or jointly with other EU projects-Task 5.2) on the research topics related to Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 (≥3);
  • Discussion tables with experts from the consortium (primarily on-site) and from the Advisory Board (primarily online) for the purpose of networking and translating the outcomes of these discussions in joint research publications ≥3;
  • Practical training sessions during training schools (≥3) on the premises of TUS, and whenever possible co-located with training schools of MSCA-funded projects of the consortium members in support of objectives of WP2).

Expected Outcome

  • Gain practical and theoretical experience on how to inject intelligence in future wireless networks based on disruptive technologies, such as AI/ML for increased connectivity, and improved quality of experience (QoE);
  • Gain practical and theoretical experience on how to comply with requirements of trustworthiness in the context of future communication networks and related applications;
  • Work in teams or on solo projects to explore fundamental areas of future communication technologies and broaden skills and knowledge.

KPI to Measure Results

  • Joint publications (≥15) in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences (≥3 high-impact journals);
  • Proceedings of Special Sessions (≥3) in Scopus or IEEE Xplore;
  • Proceedings of Training Schools (≥3);
  • Joint research reports on how the project has helped advance the state of the art in the chosen research area (≥3);
  • White papers authored by the consortium (≥3).

2. Emphasize, encourage and improve TUS and HAEC quality through team network approach to a level where it can impact and improve the quality, resources and capabilities of the faculty, researchers and the organization

3. Strengthen the role of the higher education sector in research and innovation

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