Public Deliverables

DeliverableDeliverable nameWork package
TypeDelivery date
D1.1Novel LSA system design using AI/ML algorithms1UNITOVRM12
D1.2Development of new Business Models for spectrum sharing1UNITOVRM24
D1.3Sustainability requirements and algorithms for distributed edge AI1UNITOVRM18
D1.4Orchestration solutions for distributed edge AI1UNITOVRM30
D1.5Cost-efficient deployment of AI functionality in future wireless networks1UNITOVRM20
D1.6Evaluation of different functionality allocations and knowledge sharing methods1UNITOVRM33
D1.7PET solutions for the use case of immersive smart cities1UNITOVRM32
D2.1Report on training modules produced and training courses offered2HAECRM12, M24
D2.2Report on joint research agendas, collaboration strategies and joint proposals pursued2HAECRM14, M26, M34
D2.3Report on Technology Scouting Events and GREENBEAT innovations addressed2HAECRM20, M34
D2.4Report on the development of a practical AI-based spectrum sharing demonstrator as part of the 6G network design experimental testbed at TUS2HAECR/DEMM24, M34
D3.1Report on Green Business Model (GBM) Framework, and Advanced GBM Measurement Technologies3AURM12
D3.2Report on Training Exercises with Green Business Model Innovation3AURM28
D3.3Report on Technological and Commercial Competences for New Business Creation3AURM14, M32
D3.4Report on Problems and Outcomes of Technology Business Model Challenges3AURM14, M26, M34
D3.5Report on Learning Experiences from Digital Innovation Bootcamps3AURM30
D4.1Project Website and Social Media Presence4TUSRM1
D4.2Plan for Communication and Dissemination of Knowledge4TUSRM3
D4.3Capacity and Community Building-Plan, Strategies and Outcomes4TUSRM6, M12, M30
D4.4Data Management Plan4TUSRM6
D4.5Exploitation Plan4TUSRM12, M30
D5.1Project Management and Quality Assurance Plan5TUSRM1
a.; b.; c.;
Periodic activity reports5TUSRM12, M24, M36
D5.3Report on Achieved Impact5TUSRM36
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